Thursday, March 5, 2009

Who’s better?

“So don’t you think Green Day is the best American band out there right now?” Question thrown my way innocently enough!

Big mouth…..”Hell Yeah”.

“Better than Red Hot Chili Peppers?”

Sucker punched, well played sir.

I have an irrational obsession with everything I like. Food and drink, music, movies etc…..this coupled with a pseudo intellectual streak and an almost psychotic immersion in the moment plays havoc with concepts like preferences, best, greatest, coolest and the like.

So I think Green Day is probably the band from my time that best epitomizes or comes closest to the bands of the past that were topical, made music keeping the external environment in mind, great showmen and amazing performers.

At the same time when I listen to a band like Red Hot Chili Peppers. They have come a long way in the last 10 years. From their hard core and punk rock origins to making music that appeals to a broader cross section it’s been a wild ride. And like I said am obsessed with RHCP.

Rationally logically Green Day stands for everything I believe in while RHCP certainly have gotten into a certain mushy, personal territory which I shouldn’t be playing up at all.

But I love RHCP and think they rock and they are the coolest band out there. Getting caught up in the moment is not so bad after all.

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