Sunday, August 17, 2008

the beatles

The first ten years of my life I dint know the existence of The Beatles. The next ten I was very sure that I dint like them and wondered what the fuss was all about. The next ten I haven’t been able to listen to a vague strain from them without getting goose bumps.

What’s with these guys that they have this effect on a self confessed metal junkie (used to be at least)? I have not been a great fan of any of their contemporaries like the anti Beatles, Rolling Stones or the equal parts genius - idiot savant Elton John.

By no means am I an expert on music of this time or any other time. But have always been pulled in by the sheer guttural roar of The Doors and Led Zep. Have even had manic flings with the likes of The Who and Black Sabbath. For a man who considers Iron Maiden as one of the greatest bands ever and who is right now going through the System of a down day in and day out this is a weird feeling (rewind to the goose bumps).

For a long time they were the ultimate cry babies for me, Please Please Me, I wanna hold your hand as opposed to Come on baby light my fire. And for some time they were the most complex ever, I’m only sleeping, While my guitar gently weeps, Girl. But is it that simple? Is anything that simple? For that matter is anything that complex?

The answer could of course be GENIUS, two of the foremost songwriters of our times, and another “almost foremost” waiting in the wings.

Or it could be they did what they did before anyone else hit the magic formula. The first big boy band eh.

Or as a marketeer should I convince myself that they were the first big wave of the impeccably produced and marketed bands?

But wait these are all explanations for the phenomenon called The Beatles, albeit fairly simplistic. And if there’s anything I hate, it’s the simplistic. And I am not trying to explain the phenom, am I? Am trying to figure out my affair with The Beatles. Or is that the secret? Anyone trying to explain their relationship with these guys get into figuring out an excuse? As drunk as I am I don’t think so.

The fact of the matter is The Beatles never talked to me because of the way I was, the way I felt, where I was or who I was. They never talked to me because I was rebellious, lovesick, teenager, war veteran, war participant, failure, success, refugee, woman, man, American of a particular ethnicity, Brit, Asian, East European, West European, Simpsons fan as opposed to The Family Guy or South Park.

Going away from the point again right? This is about my affair with The Beatles. I have figured it out. Along with a few million others I have figured it out.

They touch me in a way which I dint think possible. In a manner which precludes all previous assumptions. They don’t just break preconceived musical preference, they shatter it, break it down into small minute pieces and danced on it with hobnailed boots (this was the favourite utterance of a beloved teacher of mine).

And that’s the secret I feel. I can’t explain why I continue to have an affair with them but I can think of hundreds, thousands, millions of reasons why I shouldn’t like them but none of them stand the scrutiny.

Close your eyes and I will kiss you, tomorrow I will miss you. Remember I will always be true…. Stupid lyrics, fairly standard ditty I should think. But its one of my all time favourite numbers. Why exactly…………


svety said...

Close ur eyes .....miss profound and its simple..hey auto, u finally turning sane, man?
And, u put it so right when u say "The fact of the matter is The Beatles .... because I was rebellious, lovesick, teenager, war veteran, war participant, failure, success, refugee, woman, man.."
You introduced me to a lot of these songs in MICA, u know...was more or less ignorant of anything beyond Shakin Stevens when I landed there...the Doors were definitely ur contribution...keep blogging dude...u're a closet writer..i knew it as long back as the Alumni Book..haha u made me sound so interesting...u're on my fav list now!!!

Parul said...

Auts - may I forward the link to this post to someone who wants to learn -

Thanks, man.
